Just when I thought I was over you
Just when I thought I would love only moe.
Oh Pagey you have to go and write to me
And I just can't
Go on spending my dough on shows!
Here I am
Thinking of that four piece band
Who broke my heart and tore me from my fun
And made live music my only one
No I can't live without it
But how will I survive with it?
Just when I thought I was over you
Just when I thought I would love only moe.
Oh Pagey you have to go and write to me
And I just can't
Go on spending my dough on shows!
I wrote this in response to reading Page's letter (for those who don't know, he is the keyboardist of Phish - you know, that band that is probably the reason behind my moving to Burlington in the first place). You can read the letter here.
After I read the letter on Thursday I poked over to Phantasy Tour - skipped the moe. page and went straight to the Phish page to my own personal horror. I mean, I am the girl who when getting my Vibe in 2006 (reasoning behind the popular Vermont Vibes Blog) ended my ten year stint of Phish stickers on my car and switched to moe. stickers.
At this point I can't even learn more about comments Mike Gordon (Phish bassist) has made about a possible reunion - which can be seen here. But, I do go and read the JamBands article on Phish's potential return and do agree with a great deal of it - especially the touring Europe part - stay away from me!!
So, the following night is Michael Franti and Spearhead at the Shelburne Museum through my Higher Ground faves. While driving back from town to have some dinner and drinks at the farmhouse with Mitch before the show, and probably the first time in about 24 hours I am not thinking about my love/hate dilemma with Phish, I am forced to listen to the radio as recent car cleaning has left all CDs and the Ipod back at the farmhouse. So, I flip through the stations, always annoyed at the large amount of crap out there, I come across a Phish tune. Of course that figures. So I grumpily listen and slowly turn it up and start groovin'. The song ends and this chick's voice in a whisper says, "93.7 Addison, Something phishy's coming Tuesday at noon." At this point I am like, "what the &%@#?" And then another Phish song comes on. And then the chick. Then another song, and so forth until about a five song rotation concludes and they do it all over again.
I am all sorts of fired up when getting home and tune directly to 93.7 when driving to the show, and sure enough - there's the phishy rotation again. Mitch and I try to forget about Phish for a while and focus on the power of Michael Franti and our backstage passes (thanks HG friends!). And of course while drinking Magic Hats backstage, there is Mike Gordon. Now, if you recall from other posts, or are familiar with the scene around Burlington, Mike Gordon (or MG as I call him) is always out and about and sort of fits into the large circle of friends we bounce around with like your friend's brother's buddy who you say hi to but rarely chat one-on-one (the big one-on-one was when Mitch got to play Honky Tonk with MG last fall). But, of all nights of running into MG, this is the time when Mitch is checking out the portolets and MG and I end up being one-on-one. Of course, I refuse to ask him about Phish, 93.7 or anything else. Not because you shouldn't bother rock stars with such talk but because I am in absolute denial and instead ask about his tour and congratulate him on his recent wedding.
I hide the rest of the weekend gardening, going to the beach, and playing with my cats, and yeah - grumbling about Phish and making Mitch laugh hysterically. Then today, back at work, I poke around for the 93.7 nonsense and see there's already a Phantasy Tour news post as well as a mention on the blog, Hodska on the Web.
I am doomed. My bank account is doomed. My moe. love is doomed. Phish is worse than the worst ex-boyfriend creeping around and wanting to hang out. One that you still actually like that is. I know Phish will be back. I know this because nothing I want comes easily - ever. And as I do not want this, it will happen. And I will scrape and crawl like the rest of them for tickets. Or maybe I can just ask MG.

Prepare yourselves Phish heads. And may the Lizards pray for our souls.